January 2, 2012

Winners of the 1 million eqqus giveaway

Finally the results are here!

This has for me been a very diffucult giveaway, and for all the others. Exciting!
But now it has come to an end, and tonight I am giving away the money, and for 3 others some small prices.
4 lucky players other than the winner will recieve a price, since I decided to be nice :P 

5th place - ploplo - Winnings: Unicorn 
4th plce - Rabbitgirl - Winnings : High GP Gypsy vanner& Arabain foals 5,000 eqqus.
3rd place - TwistedMare - Winnings: Skiller
2nd place - TheBlackRider -  Winnings: Apollos Lyre 30.000
1st place - Chucklepuck - Winnings: 1 million eqqus!

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